Integrity research

Research, development, and innovation

Integrity provides a unique angle into how integrity matters in the context of evolving education policies and their implementation.

The work of CAPI on integrity-based research started as part of a larger body of interdisciplinary work on integrity of education systems, which was initiated in the framework of the OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia in 2010 with the purpose of describing how education environments may create opportunities and demand for corruption.

By now, the analytical activities have delivered cross-country insights into how integrity matters in the context of evolving education policies, as well as a conceptual framework of integrity that can be mobilised to reassess the implementation and effects of disruptive reforms in education in view of providing guidance for improvement. This very same framework guides also the methodological and thematic innovation of CAPI, which by now is becoming one of the main strands of work of our organisation.